Monday, March 22, 2010

Growing Githeyomirus and Building Flats

Growing githeyoirus? Here’s how you do it: put some soil into a pot, add a bit of cow dung, plant a few seeds and just water the pot everyday to see lots of red fiery ‘githeyomirus’ growing on your little plant in just under three months.

I’ve always thought growing githeyomirus was as simple as that; but that was only until I decided to give it a try. I planted seeds, watered the little plants, added not just cow dung but lots of different fertilizers. But the plants simply refused to grow. Most plants withered and died before they grew six inches tall.

What went wrong? Well, being the typical jack-of-all-trade Maldivian that I am, I just thought I knew everything there is to know about growing githeyomirus . What most of our type i.e., the jack-of-all-trade Maldivians don’t often realize is that most things in life are easier said than done.

The problem with us is this: we Maldivians know - we simply know too much about too many things.

Now, building flats, anyone?

Upon taking the oath of office Nasheed must have sought the advice of one of his brilliant jack-of-all-trade advisors on how to build flats in our islands. I bet the answer would have been very much like this: Sir, here’s how you do it - 1. Get finance. 2. Get an architect to design the flats. 3. Get a contractor to build. It’s so simple. Play House Disney’s Oso the Special Agent stuffed bear’s 3 special steps even seem more complicated than this. ;-)

22nd December 2008: one of President Nasheed’s I-know-how-to-build-flats ministers, brimming with confidence, went on TV to say that work on 5,000 flats would begin early 2009 and discussions with Chinese Government on the construction of 25,000 houses are progressing.

Fifteen months have passed since the announcement. Any hope I had of becoming a githeyomirus farmer has long dissipated. The 10,000 flats and the 25,000 houses have long been buried along with so many other phantom projects pitched continuously at our unsuspecting. President Nasheed, in the meantime, earned the title ‘flat dhonbe’ from his people who continue to live their miserable lives harvesting rainwater in mosquito-infested polyethylene tanks and defecating on public beaches and ‘four-gear’ latrines.


Anonymous said...

dont give up on githeyomirus just because you couldnt do it in one try. try again and again. doesnt matter even if u fail. u can learn and try again. Thats the spirit of President nasheed. He knows he cant build all 10000 flats. but by the end of his term if he could build 5000 he would still be able to build more flats than gayoom did in his 30 years.

Anonymous said...

anni's government cant do anything. this is very dissappointing dho. Remember the high hopes we had of this man. Everything down the drain.
salam, rauf

Bodu Kanneli said...

yes, you are right. Maldivians just know too much. We know everything. We are all Mr. know it alls. remember the time the country was working on the new constitution? During that time even the half literate idiots were talking like as if he is a constitutional experts.

Unknown said...

Nice analogy of how the general Maldivian thinking is. Maybe your right, were professionalism is required plans are made this way. Near the coffee tabled coming up with ideas Carbon neutrality and 3 simple steps to achieve it.

Anonymous said...

yes, behya. very good example. Some idiot (probably a white man) comes to Anni and talks about carbon neutrality. The Anni says carbon neutrality to his men. Then everyone says carbon neutrality. No one really thinks about what is the relevance of carbon neutrality and at what cost we can achieve it.

U said...

@Anon 11:02

"He knows he can't build 10,000... but... if he could build 5,000 he would still be able to build more flats than gayoom did his 30 years"?

The spirit of our president(s)!

Our former president too was not short of grand 'flat' visions in his 30 years.

If our President *knows* we can't build 10,000 flats it's best not fool the public by promising 10,000 or 25,000. Why build up expectations if it can't be delivered?

And why are we still trying to benchmark our housing projects with Gayoom's failed housing schemes??... Aren't we just trying to build flats to match our housing needs?

Anonymous said...


you are correct. Everything we do is still aimed at Gayoom. Come on guys. Gayoom is history. Why do we keep on pitching everything to Gayoom? Gayoom's standard is not gold standard.

Anonymous said...

every one forgets the second part of the saying... Jack of all trades, master of the way my githeyo mirus plant is thriving, and i did it exactly as Naeem said to do it, so there is hope yet.... even for flats;-$

Anonymous said...

naibe. kaey thee haadha majaa meehekey ingey. ha ha ha