Sunday, November 11, 2007

The biggest red herring in Maldivian politics

Almost everything in politics, throughout the world are designed to either divert attention away from or to steal unjustified limelight to something that political powerbrokers want. And our small country is no exception. Laws are drafted and enacted; institutions created and disbanded; people appointed and removed to and from high offices; policies and strategies formulated, announced, implemented and their courses altered – all done to achieve this end.

Earlier this year when President’s powerful half-brother Yamin resigned from cabinet, I (not only me…several other Maldivians were also hoodwinked) believed, for a while, that he must have actually fallen out with the President. But after having observed the developments in PA, DRP and the Government over the last six months I became increasingly dubious that Yamin really did defect. I now believe that it was in fact a calculated and carefully orchestrated move to secure more economic and political grounds. My dubiety finally got sealed with the recent controversies surrounding ‘Biyaadhoo compensation’ by both the Govt and Yacht Tours owner, PA’s Jabir. Why has govt been so obsequiously currying favour to Jabir’s every demand? Why has DRP not taken any action against PA members in spite of everything that has happened? Why are people linked to PA still able to exercise so much control over virtually every affair of the govt? Why has Dhiyana continued to be a Presidential member in spite of her alleged moves against the party? And an awful lot of other answered questions make Yamin’s perceived defection the biggest red herring ever thrown by President Gayoom.

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